Saturday, July 18, 2009

Too many Banana and Walnut Pancakes!

I went to brunch today with the ex, who also happens to be one of my best friends (f***ed up, I know).  Anyway, brunch means basically two things to me:

1. The chance to eat pancakes covered in butter and sirup without feeling guilty, because, as everyone (except my waistline) knows, brunch doesn't count.  Same goes for holidays and all food consumed while on vacation.

2. I get to dress up!  Well, either more so than I normally do, or at least I get a day off from curious stares (see a good entry about this by Super Kawaii Mama on her blog!).  I have a thing for hats, and have a lovely set of hat boxes (see above), but have never managed to wear them out that much. I didn't end up wearing this hat out, as it wouldn't stay put, but I thought it deserved a photo... or two... or three...

Hat: What my mum wore when she got married instead of a veil
Dress: My absolute favorite vintage dress ever (w/ little knitting needles and balls of wool).  But it is disintegrating!  So depressing!

 <--- my lovely thigh-highs!  I wish these came in thicker fabric, because I hate how tights fall down, and I have to walk around with my knees tied together.


  1. You look fabulous, darling!


  2. Oh, I just love the dress, and the hat! There's nothing cuter than hats with the little bit of nettie to pull over your face, so cute!
    Love the blog :)

  3. So lovely! that hat is stunning! I wish I had one like it.

    Don't you hate that about so called stay ups! and the most expensive pretty ones are the ones that always fall down aren't they?

    The hat bos is pretty too! Glad I found your blog :)

  4. Thank you, you three! It's wonderful to get such nice comments!

    Avintagespirit - Yes, I wish all hats came with nettie

    Andi - truly a compliment coming from you

    Bucca - These thigh-highs stay up quite well, but snag rather easily, and won't do much against the Scottish cold
